This book is complete and available as of late fall 2023. Already a good number have written in sharing how much the book meant to them. Here are some of the comments: “I couldn’t put your book down.” “I love your book”. “Thank you for writting your book; so encouraging, it’s a blessing to my heart.” Several have ordered extra copies to give out, and one lady said; “I’ve underlined truths all the way through your book, and the last chapter changed my life.” All glory to God! Get your copy soon.

Hi, my name is Errol Martens.
I’m a Canadian, born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1952. I’m a missionary. Missionary simply means ‘a sent one’. Christian missionaries are supposed to be out in the world bringing love to people through good works, and sharing the good news about Jesus.
I have attempted to do this mostly in the wonderful country of Greenland. Although I now live in British Columbia, Canada I still go back and forth to Greenland. I’m married to a wonderful woman from Alberta, Canada. Together we have four adult children, two sons-in-laws, and five grandchildren. We are so thankful and blessed.
I am a member of Youth With A Mission. I was a youth when I started! YWAM is an international, interdenominational Christian mission organization. We prefer to see ourselves as a big family which represents many nations, cultures and languages.
You can find out a lot more about this wonderful mission in the RESOURCE section. Maybe you’ll also be called to join us!